Both are spearers, but they are not closely related. Pseudosquilla ciliata is a gonodactyloid related to many of the common smashers. It is found almost circumtropically (except in the eastern Pacific). It is common on reefs, reef flats and in grass beds and has a considerable depth distribution occurring from the low intertidal down to at least 40 m. Postlarvae settle out at about 22 mm, are clear and usually stay in rubble. When they are around 25-30 mm, they begin burrowing and typically dig a shallow, u-shaped burrow. Maximum size is around 10 cm. This species can change color and you can find green, brown, black, yellow, cream or tan ones. Sometimes they are solid colored, or they may be mottled or have a stripe running down the length of the body.
Oratosquilla calumni is a true squilloid that is tpically found in the mud in u-shaped burrows. It gets larger than P. ciliata, has more barbs on the raptorial appendage, and is not nearly as colorful.