What are these?


New member
I have these little tiny starfish looking things on my glass in the mornings when the lights are out. They are less than the size of a pencil eraser and they actually look like tiny sandsifters except for the fact that they only have 4 legs or limbs or whatever you call them. Thye look like incomplete starfish. Are these bad and will they hurt my tank and if I can how will I get rid of them?
Wow, you opened a can of worms on this one! They are probably an Asterina species. Most of which are harmless, while a few are predaceous. I believe the general consensus on this site, (correct me if I am wrong), is "Agh! Get rid of them now!"
I have had them for ever and they do not seem to hurt anything and they seem to live in the sandbed. I just hate them on my glass and I just want to make sure they are not bad. How do I get rid of them?
just keep an eye on them, because they can grow and populate your tank, almost to the point of an epidemic
There have been lots of threads on these. If they are on the glass and are white in color I think they are ok. I have these as well as some bluish / gray ones. The bluish / gray ones I find on my LR and coral. I remove these.