What are these?


New member
And how do I get rid of them? They are all over.


Look like They could be majano anemones? Maybe aptasias I Can't really tell from the pics but I think a peppermint might eat them not too sure if they will if they are majanos but I know peppermint shrimp do eat aptasias which are a type of anemone so you might want to give a peppermint shrimp a shot. If that doesn't do then I don't know what would.
personally they don't look like either Aptasia or Mojano. But I admit that I have never had Mojanos and it's been years since I had any Aptasia. However, the substrait looks thin there...and they appear to be growing on the glass?...so it looks pretty easy to just scrape them off and discard them if you want to remove them. Though...if they are not bothering anything...then they are technically just cleaning the water in their own little way. maybe just keep them in check and let them keep doing what they are doing.
Whatever they are they seem to be all over the place with a pretty good chance of stinging or annoying the other inhabitants and further reproducing. Frankly looks like majano. Try aptasia -x or kalk paste to at least get them under control. If you just scrape them off they will spread even faster. Some filefish or copper banded butterflies also work
Those are absolutely Majano anemones. They are everywhere. Scrapping, or disturbing them will cause them to discharge and clone all over the place.
aptasia killer by red sea would take care of them in the same way that it would aphasia give it a try it should take care of them you can get it online or at any local reef store pretty cheap.