I've been debating whether or not I really want to take him out.
I think I'm going to leave him in there. He's killing hermit crabs right now, which I'm rooting for. The only hermit crab I like stays on the opposite side of the tank.
Incidently, the hermit crab I like was a hitchiker with my first shipment. He is all grey with little tiny blue spots on his shoulders.
All the rest that got dumped with the second shipment in there have made a buffet table out of my tube worm rock, as well as attacking my cerinths.
I used to have two peppermint shrimps, one molted. I'm assuming the other peppermint shrimp killed him during his molt.
He doesn't seem to have a problem.
The huge "gorrilla crab" I have is on the opposite side of the tank, and I'd be suprised if the mantis would win against him.
The only person he is at odds with is the serpent star, because the serpent star steals his food.
Pretty amusing. Doesn't do any obvious damage. He leaves the urchins alone, and my porcelain crabs are somehow multiplying.
Who knows, temperment changes and such, but I'm not bothered by him so far. He's actually really cool. If he becomes a problem, I have a 8 gallon ready for him.
My tank is about four times as the one in my gallery. I really need to get new photos. Most of my sponges are still alive. I really love this rock. Only things I've added to the tank are a Lawnmower Blenny and a gold maroon clown.
Heh, you know those red macro algae things you commented on in my tank in my gallery? My clownfish hosts them. Freakin weird