what can i grow?


New member
ok, thanks to xtrstangx i was told that with my new lighting
(here ) i could keep zoas, mushrooms, and other softies in my 20H. i was just wondering if there are any suggestions as to what specifics i can grow in my tank under this lighting? i.e. what types of mushrooms or zoas or any other softies? i appreciate your help in advance!!! :rollface: any pictures would be GREATLY appreciated!!
My first advice, get involved with a local reef club if available. Most time, they can give you frags ( or sell them cheaper than LFS ) of things that they have had for a while and have a good idea what will do good with your lighting and what won't.
I don't beleive you would be able to keep rics or yumas. Zoa's are Zoa's, you will just get different coloring (lighter than usual). As far as "other" softies, I beleive you will be able to keep xenia, the reef weed. Not sure about others. Also, you would be able to keep a colony of Sun Polyps (Tubastrea) as those are NON photosynthetic. Hopefully you'll get more replies.

Good Luck and Happy Reefing!

As an aside, upgrade those lights (or at least add another bulb) as soon as feasibly possible
ok, so if i would add another 1x65 watt bulb, then that would equal 130 watts, correct? would i then be able to house more types? i also plan on keeping my 15 watt actinic bulb on there to make it 80 watts until i upgrade, which will be a while because i am broke...:(
Correct, 130w + 15w (the actinic I didn't think about) = 145w / 20g = 7.25wpg ..... "I" would run the actinic an hr before and an hr after the white lights. You can get a cheap timer at walmart. Now keep in mind, your tank is tall, with only PC lights, so "I" wouldn't keep anything other than a common mushroom on the bed.

Now, If you decide to go and get another bulb, you could then also keep the rics and yumas at least mid-tank. As well as "some" LPS. Such as a Candycane or Trumpet, or Frogspawn. I would start with a small frag of one of those, kept AT LEAST mid-tank, preferably upper-tank. Keep in mind, LPS should be spot fed "meaty" foods at least 1x a week. Meaty foods include table shrimp, scallops, squid, clam, etc. I think if you did all of this, as well as kept your water parameters in check, you would be succesfull. These are just my opinions with my experience with PC's. HTH.

Good Luck and Happy Reefing!
thank you very much, i really appreciate your help! i don't really plan on upgrading lighting until i know how well i do with my first sw tank, and until i get a bigger tank when i move somewhere more permanent. so, basically, when i do decide to throw in a softie or two, should i keep them higher up in the tank to help with getting a little more lighting than down towards the bottom?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7874715#post7874715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by everl0ng
ok, so if i would add another 1x65 watt bulb, then that would equal 130 watts, correct? would i then be able to house more types? i also plan on keeping my 15 watt actinic bulb on there to make it 80 watts until i upgrade, which will be a while because i am broke...:(
I have a 130w pc on ebay for sale right now, here is the link, http://cgi.ebay.com/Like-New-ODYSSE...ryZ46314QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7876056#post7876056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by everl0ng
thank you very much, i really appreciate your help! ........................... so, basically, when i do decide to throw in a softie or two, should i keep them higher up in the tank to help with getting a little more lighting than down towards the bottom?

everl0ng, no problem :) ........... You will also need to keep in mind light acclimating them. *More than likely* any coral you get will come from stronger lighting. So initial placement should be high, then after about 3or4 days you can move it down some, and so on until you get it where you want it. But IMO, end placement should be at least 3-4" from the bottom, to help get them more lighting. The light acclimating is so that you don't shock them with the light change and cause them to bleach or worse.

Good Luck !!
what happens if a coral is or does become bleached? is that something that will be taken care of on its own in time?
Bleached coral is a question of degrees: from a mild event it can come back: it takes a couple of months.

Re the lowlight corals: do not try to mix softies with stony coral: mushrooms go with either. A lowlight stony is bubble coral, which has long sweepers, so give him room. Candy cane can tolerate low to high light and grows rapidly. Sweepers are very short. Frogspawn will tolerate lower light.
Hint: if you're going to put stonies into a small tank, get the 'branching' stonies rather than the 'wall' stonies. You can frag them easier as they grow.