what come with the 100 mm Macro Canon


New member
Accesory, magnification etc...
Should i buy Extension tube or Tele-converter ?

Buy a 58mm Macro Coupler - For Mounting Two Lenses of 58mm Face to Face

Give me some idea.

I want Nice shot, more magnification
The lens comes with no accessories aside from the front and rear lens caps. It's capable of 1:1 magnification all by itself, and as you said, there are other things you can buy to get more magnification (tubes, converters, reversing ring). You might want to look into the 65mm macro lens that Canon makes-- it will do 5:1 magnification.
Sorry when i was talking about the accessories i wasn't talking for the caps ;) My fault.

The problem with the 65mm this lens sound to be very hard to take picture !

How far can i got with a 100mm and
Kenko 3x Pro 300 DG Teleconverter for Canon EOS

Can i put the TC with kenko Tube extension ?
how can i calculate de magnification ?
The problem with the 65mm this lens sound to be very hard to take picture !
I agree- that's why I always try to warn people about this lens. It is capable of amazing shots but there are compromises.
You can get great macros with extenders and extension tubes- far beyond 1:1, but this method has it's compromises too. Light loss is considerable. Sharpness goes downhill when you add extenders (tubes will get you minimal image quality loss, all things being equal) and you sacrifice handhold-ability when you pile on all that stuff in front of the lens. Regardless, it's a lot of fun.
You need to decide just how much magnification you really want, and how much you're willing to sacrifice. The ability to stay mobile (handhold-able) is valuable, but so is massive magnification. Sometimes you can't have both. But with practice you can get decent results [I have] handholding the 100 macro with an extender and extension tube, but only because I used a strong flash to keep the shutter speed up. And it wasn't easy :p Actually, I used to shoot bugs with a similar set up (300mm lens plus those accessories, on a tripod, mirror lock up, two second delay) and got some fun shots.
I had the magnification formula written down but I can't find it- I'll get back to you with that.
M=total extension/focal length.
Magnification equals extenion divided by lens focal length.
Total extension is the lens length [100mm] plus extension tubes [say 25mm] plus extender [say 2x] plus focal length multiplier of your camera [say full frame 'cause it's easier :p ]... add all that up and you have 250/100, or 2.5:1 magnification. One time I went crazy and added a 1.4x converter, 2x converter and 66mm of extension (on a 10D, which has a 1.6x lens multiplier). The picture was so so at best but was a whopping 7.4:1 if my math is correct. Hopefully a math wizard will read this and confirm or correct me :lol:
dang i don't know what to choose... Extender or Extension
So the Extension - Photo more sharp then extender ?
You lose sharpness whenever you add extenders- with extension tubes you lose sharpness but but it's more an issue of refraction (light bending becuase of the added distance to the sensor) and with extenders you lose sharpness because of the additional optical elements.
Eventually you'll probably end up with both :p
You will loose some sharpness when using a TC, depending on the TC and magnification of course. I use a Kenko 1.4x and don't notice any loss of sharpness, even at 100% crops. Using a 2x or 3x would yield a softer image, though I don't know how much since I haven't used them. Extension tubes are only useful if you can get closer than 6" which isn't always possible for tank photography. A TC will give you more magnification at any distance. But as Greg said, you'll probably end up with both (I know I did).
Hmm i think i will got with a extender.
so if we compar a 1.4x kenko vs 3x kenko TC
the 3x will not be as sharp it should be compar the 1.4x
But i will have (too much sometime?) better magnification.

Is it a bad idea to buy 2 1.4x tc kenko ?