What Coral Dip?

Whats the dosage if bayer used as a dip? Straight bayer or added to a container of salt water with the frag?
Really? This is straight from coral rx's website

Coral Rx is effective in removing the following parasites:
- Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW)
- Montipora Eating Nudibranchs

Really. Feel free to search rc, plenty of stories about AEFW surviving coral rx dips. Also red bugs aren't on that list, which kind of defeats the purpose of dipping.

There is no comparison to a Bayer dip, the only people anywhere still saying otherwise are people who haven't used it, should tell you everything you need to know :)
I agree, coral RX is not good enough for some SPS pests. I have had both montipora nudibranch's and AEFW survive extended baths.

We use to have a dip in the UK called Reef Scientic Coral Detox, it was brilliant for AEFW, however they went bankrupt. I now use Revive for AEFW, but still haven't found a good option for montipora nudibranch.

Unfortunately we don't have Bayer in the UK :(
I think the question from the OP is too broad.

Are you dipping for pest (new corals coming from someone else's system into your system) or preventing infection (fresh cut frags)?

For new corals coming in - BAYER
For fresh cut frags from your system going back into your system - LUGOLS IODINE