New member
Hi, I currently have a 66 gallon reef tank with 2 clowns, 2 banggai cardinals, a royal gramma, and a tailspot blenny. The corals I have are : 3 frags of GSP, a hammer coral, a toadstool leather, a Kenya tree, a Green trumpet coral, and 2 small colonies of zoanthids (Fruit Loop and Eagle Eye). I think I might be making the hour and a half trek to the nearest (thankfully also my favorite) fish store some time this week to pick up some more inverts and maybe 1 or 2 new corals. I would like something that doesn't need to be target fed (yet). I have read about Dunkin Corals. Some people say they spotfeed and some people don't. I also like torch corals. May also pick up some more zoas. Anybody have input on any of the corals I mentioned above, and what other corals do you think would be a good choice for me?