what do I do my fish have ick


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My yellow tank has small spots all over his body my hippo has whit spots on his lower half and my sailfin has a brown spot on his side by his gill. What do I need to do I have corals and 90 lbs lr. Is there anything I can add to the water to get rid of this stuff
The only thing you can do at this time is remove all your fish and transfer it to a quarantine tank and treat it there. Leave your maintank fishless for about 6 weeks or so.
Dont treet copper with live rock if you can avoid it. What i have always done in treat with copper and add a cleaner wrase. the copper stops the process of ich and the wrase pick the fish clean. The wrase will probably die after all the ich is gone
I stand by what ive said in the past. Get a Coralife turbo twist UV sterilizer, and leave it on for a few weeks. Worked for me and a friend of mine without any chemicals.
Also having three tangs in a 72 bow is a stress factory . Try to always have food available for them , but in the long run I'd try to get down to one tang , or none . Also Ruby Reef Kick Ich works good in a reef but nothing beats dropping them in a quarintine and getting more aggressive .
I would put them in a QT tank, with some PVC 90 degree angles and such so they can hide a little, then do hyposalinity, but it might be hard to find a tank large enough for 3 tanks to be used just as a QT, so you could do it in the tank the yare in, just cook the liverock for a while.
i feed food pellets with garlic when my hippo acts up .there is reef safe treatments but i would not take a chance with it . as long as my fish are eating i will not try to get them out of the tank i think it will stress them out to much .the uv thing sounds goo also nice and easy to set up also compared to a treatment tank .
DO NOT USE KICK ICH..Many people have had issues with this product even though is says reef safe. There are several threads here on RC relating to these issues. Just recently I added a powder blue tang to my tank. After two weeks it came down with a severe case of ick and died. Not only did that fish die several others did as well. I'm not sure if you have been at the last few meetings but there has been a product on the raffle table called NO SICK FISH. In my own opinion this stuff is the best reef safe ich med ever. I have 39 sps colonys 2 clams and several diffrent lps corals and not one thing was effected. All my fish had ich so bad I thought they were doomed, and after a week of treatment there isn't one spot on the remaining fish and all is well
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