What do I do??


New member
So I've been slacking on my tank maintenance lately. I put water and mixed it in the trash bin about 4 months ago. However I still haven't done the water change. So yesterday I dumped that old water and refilled it and added salt. But today I noticed the water is a little cloudy (could this just be that the mixing pump was damaged?) and that there is a film on the surface and a slight smell. What should I do?
Time for a rinse with vinegar.
If you get a lot of this more frequent washing may be in order or another different container.
4 months with no movement is not too good either.
What brand of salt mix do you use?
Some are cloudy after mix and some are just light cloudy, but all are NOT clear as you see in your display tank.
USE IT...Go do water change.
Instant Ocean Reef Crystals?

My salt water bucket always gets a brown film on the inside. If you google search it, its very common with certain brands of salt.

Its only clear after hours. I've never seen it go 'cloudy' once I've had it sitting for a while.

I don't heat my SW change, but I do leave a powerhead in it running 24/7
I pickup the entire can when it's empty, bring it outside and hit it with the pressure washer with a wide fan attachment (I think 45 degrees). Blows everything off the walls then I do a quick rinse. Maybe I'm lazy but my mixing station is in the basement and carrying up 30 gallons of vinegar water isn't something I want to do.

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Hey so what I ended up actually doing was nailing the thing with a small tip hose. Then went in with a vinegar dipped abrasive sponge. Everything looks good. Thanks for all the help!
It's normal for some mixes to have a coatimg on the barrel . I use redsea pro and if I leave it for more than a few days I'll get a brown brute barrel