What do you do with your waste water?

bad santa

SCRK member
I was wondering what other people do with their water after water changes. When i do my water changes I pump my water into a 5 gal. jug and dump the water in the street. I dont pour it down the drain because I think over time the salt will start to eat away at the metal pipes. Im reminded of Alcatraz. So what does everyone do?
haha. i poured some on my lawn a few times and now......the lawn is dead...i gotta dig up all that wasted soil soon. but ya...i just do it down the sink. after you pour it down. let some tap water run for the pipes.

I pump mine out onto the ground behind my house.
Well, since we hardly have any grass in Arizona... and our yards are mostly crushed rock, I just dump it in the rocks.
We have a septic system, so down the drain is most likely a no-no for us. I dump mine on our concrete driveway hoping to kill the moss. Jay dumps his from the 240 on a patch of grass by the driveway, which is incidentally dead from it. ;)

There was an article floating around a while back which indicated that salt wastewater wasnt necessarily bad for a septic tank, and actually some elements like magnesium were beneficial.
I have a septic system and I just dump mine down the shower drain. I usually try to run some fresh water behind it to rinse out the line, although I've got PVC drains so it doesn't really matter.

My septic tank is somewhere between 500-1000gallons so I really don't think 10g of used saltwater once a week or so is gonna really hurt all that much. My water softener probably dumps more saltwater into the system than my water changes.
I send my waste water down the toilet. The bathroom in the family room is right near the tank. Works well.


There was another thread about this roaming around the lounge a little while ago, some interesting, if not all serious, ideas.
Ever consider how salty urine must be? Multiply that times 1 gal per person per day. I doubt very seriously that waste water from a fish tank will have any additional negative effects.
I use it for weed killer in summer, fire it down the PVC drains in the winter. I use skimmate for outdoor plant fertilizer in summer as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6973095#post6973095 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ohioreefer
My septic tank is somewhere between 500-1000gallons so I really don't think 10g of used saltwater once a week or so is gonna really hurt all that much. My water softener probably dumps more saltwater into the system than my water changes.

Well, on that note I'm going to start dumping my water from the nano in the bathtub! I hate lugging the bucket outside. The 240 is in the garage, so that one can just continue making a dead spot in the lawn.

I use it to culture phyto and copepods and sell the excess I don't use. Forces me to do water changes when I run out of culture water.
Has anyone tried using it to make squid soup? No, I didn't think so. Down the drain with all the rain!