What do you feed your zoas?


New member
I've been using coral frenzy and supplementing reef energy a+b.

I would like opinions on best foods and supplements to support growth and color.

Thanks in advance
I feed them light, working out well so far haha. One polyp did snag a big mysis shrimp the other day and ate it.
I feed them fish food. Take turkey baster and suck some frozen food up and squirt it at all the polyps. I have good growth with this. I have noticed I big difference from not feeding and feeding. I don't care what you say feeding them help. But they will grow with out feeding them you don't have to. But realistically it's to much work for a bit more growth
We might be confusing various strains of palys and zoas here. Most zoas won't take food suspended in the water column or brine ship and will close up. Larger species and most palythoa will happily gobble up brine shrimp and the like if you feed them with a turkey baster. Example of the later are purple deaths, nuclear greens, green implosions, etc. Green implosions will actually eat xenia if they get too close.

I've tried a lot of different feeding combos for dense and rapidly garden tanks and found the same formula seems to work. For most zoas rapid growth for me is achieved under nutrient / nitrate conditions that SPS won't like, although zoas / palys can be quite happy under ideal SPS conditions. If you want them to grow fast though, dirty water helps. I've tried a lot of different foods, and a thumbnail size chunk of beef heart run through a power blender and added once or twice a week seems to work the best. The added protein in the water which eventually breaks down into nitrate just puts everything into over drive. Direct feed palys that will take brine as much as they want.

Iodine drops (3 per week per 10 gallon) helps a bit, especially purple deaths keeping their color. I've also found the addition of kalk (added to the point of precipitation once a night) significantly helps deeper water varities like purple hornets thrive. Low / wide pH swings are what I theorize cause melting, and adding kalk at night reduces the available C02 that causes the low swing. Once I started kalk dosing any variety of zoa/paly I keep thrives.
i've tried to supplement mine with reef roids and while they do seem keen on taking the offering it's often followed by them spitting it back into the water column. next experiment is to see if offering a more diluted portion helps.
I really don't think zoas require lots of target feeding at all. However, between the coral food and the fish poop should suffice. Fish poop I think is the best of all foods any corals can take in for a food source.
I've had the same 2 zoa colonies that are about 15 heads each for about a year. They get longer and stretch upwards but no new polyps.... I put phytoplankton in my tank at least once a week and they have shown no improvement... anything else that I should be trying?

I've not seen phyto work well on its own. I was using reef energy for a while then stopped. So did growth. I am now going to start again.

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I recently started dosing Trace Element Complex from ZEOvit and my zoa's are really responding well to it.
i've been dabbling with pohl's vitalizer and xtra for the past few weeks and although i was skeptical they do seem to make zoas really color up well.
the results have been positive enough that i bought and am going to try the coral snow tonight.
I just started using Polyp Labs Polyp Booster+ Polyp Lab Reef-Roid last night
ill let u know in a week the results.
I've had the same 2 zoa colonies that are about 15 heads each for about a year. They get longer and stretch upwards but no new polyps.... I put phytoplankton in my tank at least once a week and they have shown no improvement... anything else that I should be trying?


If they are stretching upwards I think that is a sign of not enough light.