What do you feed your zoas?

Yep. I for one, was running ULNS and wasn't happy with the growth, coloration, or overall health of my corals. My SPS seemed like they were pale, and my Zoa's weren't really growing. They were stagnant, a few zoa's shrank and are still holding on, and of course my favorite of them melted away (that's always how it goes, isn't it?).

Nitrates were always 0, Phosphates .03

So stocked up my tank a little more, made sure the fish had plenty to make waste with and within 2 days colors starting to spring back to life already. Still detecting 0 nitrates, but it's obviously a step in the right direction.

Nutrient Rich =/= 'Dirty'

So Fish Guy -- Your 6 tips is a pretty popular post, and while you mention what I feel about Nitrates and Phosphates I don't see mention of where you keep yours. I've been seeing a lot of SPS guys have started pushing Nitrate towards 5+ as the 'low end' and in some cases 8-10. So I'm curious where you like your nitrates to sit.

In Most of My Tanks Nitrates are at 20
I've used Reef Roids from time to time. I don't know if they are actually eating but they seem to.
TidalGardens has a good video on youtube about stand have some close up shots of feeding zoas the roids.
Here are my thoughts regarding the Hawaiian zoas I have for years and years...:
1) Lights: Metal halides and or T5s are the best. I've tried LEDs and it's just not the same!!
2) Nutrient rich, or "dirty water" for zoanthids: absolutely not needed. Many tests and observations in the ocean showed me that.
4) Water movement is very important.
3) Feeding: Good quality commercial foods, like Reef Roids and so on... very good for the zoas. please search for the posts under my username. It's just too much to write...
There are lots of infos from me and many others there. Just search under my username...
4) Constant params are very important to avoid problems with zoas, but no need go too crazy about that... Just try your best!!
5) They will use the additional energy from particle foods to grow/reproduce. That is a fact!
6) All zoanthids will eat particle foods. No exceptions.
7) All zoanthids will absorb dissolved nutrients from the water. That doesn't mean you would wish, or need high phosphates or high nitrates and algae in the system. There are nutrients and nutrients...
8) Amino acids are good. I don't think vitamin C makes any difference.
