what do you think? 96Lx30Wx24T


Active member
hey would like to know what you guys think of these dimensions. its a tank i will hopefully be setting up really soon. would like some suggestions.......thanks
Two 48" 8 bulb - 54w TEK T-5 Fixtures - total of 864watts or if your willing to dish out the cash, get the ATI fixtures ;)

I love T-5's, they have been proven time and time again, I really think they would look sick on that size tank and if it was my tank, I would do the same.

ATI / GIESMANN Bulbs all the way through...

-Mike C.
Remember, its 864 watts of T-5's - I think it would be enough for sps, and if you feel unsure get retrofit t-5's and through some metal halide retrofits in there too, I am sure it will all fit...

Maybe 3x250w MH with 12x54w T-5's, I personally think the T-5's alone will do the job though... maybe over run them to 60w each with some ice cap ballasts.

-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12582764#post12582764 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nismo_32
i was thinking 3x400watt 20k radiums with maye 4 vho s. 1640 watts total.... what do you think.??

Not bad idea, but there will be shade spots, and I would rather run 4x250 with the vho's, then 3x400w - the 250's will cover more space.

-Mike C.
if you get the right reflector (lumenarc)you can do 3x400 radiums run on pfo hqi ballasts and have more then enough light. I ran 4 on my 120x36x30 and I could have used less. I def didnt need t5s or vhos with it.

thats exactly what i was going for some lumenarc 3 reflectors i actually have a post where im asking if anyone is selling 3 of them or maybe even just one or two. i can buy them one at a time.
those are pretty much the dimensions of my new tank that ill be picking up this saturday ;) havnt really decided what im doing for light yet
btw the new tank will be 96X30X25
Julio going with anything other than 400's in that tank would be a waste of money and time. 3 lumearc would be plenty no need for a fourth. Radium's 20k rock!
thanks roger. thats what my plan is so far. 3x400watt radiums 20k. i just put this up to see if anyone can change my mind. what do you think of the dimensions....???? i love them. its definitely my dream tank dimensions. well for a 300 that is... ahhh here i go again...another project...
20k radiums? not too blue? where the best/cheapest place to get a 400w retrofit? and 4X 250w wont work?
btw sry to hijack yur thread but ive got the same tank :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12588231#post12588231 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nismo_32
thanks roger. thats what my plan is so far. 3x400watt radiums 20k. i just put this up to see if anyone can change my mind. what do you think of the dimensions....???? i love them. its definitely my dream tank dimensions. well for a 300 that is... ahhh here i go again...another project...

Personally, I kind of like the 30"h instead of the 25", the reason is coral height, right now I have corals that are growing at a high rate but I still have enough space from the tip to surface, on a 25"h tank the tips would have being outside of the water already.
I guess my train of thought is long term vision, as I already experienced overgrowing my previous tank.
everyone always complains about mantaining the 30" height tanks...besides if you dont stack yur rocks so high you should have i problem (sounds good in my head atleast :p ) i also figured with the 25" height i could still use my old 250w mh's
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I like 93" 30" 30", thats the tank that i'm going to set up..... Height can be an issue for maintnence but it is completely worth while down the line when your corals start to grow...... I guess we never quit on the idea to get a bigger tank..... I thought i was never going to upgrade my 150 before I got it....
well i already have a 72x30x30 in wall and its a pain but good for when corals grow. this 96x30x24 ill be setting up will be my other tank. that way i can have the best of both worlds. the high tank and the short wide tank. now i can cry about my light bill even more but oh well its all worth it..... what equipment do you recommend... all equipment setup. give me what you would do, but remember im not rich...