What do you think is my problem...?


New member
I've had my reef tank for years and was modestly successful. However, a lot has changed since then and now it's not looking too good.
I used to have green polyps and mushroom anemones growing so well that I frequently traded it with my local pet store.
I'd break my live rock up into small pieces so I could sell the coral.
My coralline algae was healthy.
Then in 2010, when I was on vacation, there was a heat wave and my coral was wiped out.
Ever since then my coral is just existing, but not spreading.
The green polyps are pale.
I also have some pulsing Zenia that is stable, not spreading anymore.
The anemones look bleached in direct light, but look better in the shade.
My coralline algae is slow to grow.
I want to eventually get other corals, but I don't feel confident enough.
Here are some of the changes I've made in the last couople of years.
Tapwater/chlorine treatment was replaced with RO/DI.
Two T5's were replaced with two Kessil A360WE's running at 15% intensity and 100% color.
I changed my Ca/Alk supply from the two bottles of additives to Kalkwasser in my ATO (3 Tbls/4 gal RO/DI every 5 days).
These changes were all supposed to be upgrades, but my results are worse.
My tank/sump holds about 80 gal of water.
My limewater doesn't seem to be able to keep up.
After a water change Ca=420, KH=9, but after two days Ca=375, KH=7.
I'll add CaCl and soda ash and the levels will be back to Ca=420, KH=9.
However, after two days they'll be back to Ca=375, KH=7.
I don't think my coral is consuming it since all I have is a small amount of Zenia, anemone and green polyp.
One point that may be significant is my Mg level is typically 1450 when my Ca/KH levels are low, but it comes down to 1350 after I add the CaCl and soda ash.
Almost a year ago I added too much MgCl and MgS because my test kit got contaminated, but I haven't added any Mg for almost a year.
Why can't my Kalkwasser/ATO maintain Ca=420, KH=9?
Something else must be depleting it.

My pH stays at around 8.
I have a sump with a Kessil A160WE and skimmer and I've had difficulty growing plants in it until recently.
I have a carbon/GFO reactor where I use 1 2/3 cup carbon mixed with 1/3 cup GFO every month.
I added sand to my tank and crushed shells to my sump.
I've been trying for years, but just haven't been making any progress.
Finally, check out these sad pictures.
Notice how my live rock is covered with this pale short 1/8" algae that I believe is chocking my coral.
Also, notice how my anemones are bleached looking?
If you right-click on the following icons and then select "open image in new tab" you can see the high resolution image on a new tab on your browser.

My Kessil's are set to a maximum of 15% power!
I admit that I may have multiple problems.
Any advice is appreciated.
Sorry I cannot help much or at all. there was a gentleman here that was a TOTM and his tank was running great until he start to fix what was not broken and slowly but surely almost ruined the tank until he got to the point wondering if or how he had a great tank in the past. So it sounds familiar to what happened to you, there is a popular saying here, KISS Keep is simple stupid or something like that.

So like I said I cannot be much or any help, but try to find what made it work before and do it again. Good luck and happy reefing.