What do you think of Fuji Finepix S700?

Tomoko Schum

New member

I am thinking about getting a point and shoot camera that can take really good pictures of my corals. I was considering Canon S3IS, but a co-workers of mine recommended Fuji finepix series. I need a camera that is easy to use, reasonably priced and still takes great macroshots of my corals.

I looked at the spec and pricing of Finepix S700, but I am not a camera buff and I need your help.

Is Finepix S700 good enough for taking pictures of corals so I can post them on my RC gallery and my blog to share with other reefers?

My daughter's Canon Sd630 can take decent macro shots, but it does not do really well with those in the back of the tank. So I looked at S3IS, but Finepix S700 seems a lot less expensive and still take great pictures.


Have you got a link to the specs for that Fuji? I'm not seeing it in the lineup on dpreview.
Thanks. Looking at the macro specs I see that Fuji has broken with tradition and actually listed the specs that are pertinent :p Most manufacturers only list the macro range on the wide end of the lens.
The S700 will get you more magnification than the SD630. It has a good long zoom lens so you'll be able to zoom in on people/objects that are far away. For aquarium close-ups, again, based on the specs it looks like it should do a very good job. It has a manual white balance setting which is good. Takes SD cards which is good. Looks like the lcd should be good. Bad that it only has usb1-- get a card reader ($20 or so) to transfer pictures to your computer. Get rechargeable AA batts too while you're at it.
Fuji cameras are known for good vibrant colors. If you can find some full size sample pics take a look at them at 100% and see how grainy they are- most cameras start to get noticable grain at 400 iso but some will be bad at 200 even :(
Wow, thank you for the wonderful article! It is full of great information about the camera and so easy to understand. I hope to go to Circuit City or Best Buy (or whoever has it around here) soon to check out the camera in person :)

Sure, I love to! But I first have to learn the camera :) It's definitely a lot more than what I have right now (8 years old Sony Cybershot DSC-P1.) Can you believe that my avatar was shot with this camera through a 4X maginfier lens :o
