What does this mean?


New member
The past day or two my devils armor has been like this, overly open. What does it mean?

From the blotches of pink, it looks like the polyps are retracting/withdrawing against themselves, not reaching. I guess they could close up if they wanted too, but that's not what I'm seeing. Maybe I'm missing something though.
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From the blotches of pink, it looks like the polyps are retracting/withdrawing against themselves, not reaching. I guess they could close up if they wanted too, but that's not what I'm seeing. Maybe I'm missing something though.

Well one isn't like that now. But I thought that's just the way devils armor looked with the pink, didn't think it meant anything!
Combo of inappropriate water chemistry with recent light change.
Your tank is probably too young, probably less than 5 months (?).
You should wait more to add the zoas.

Combo of inappropriate water chemistry with recent light change.
Your tank is probably too young, probably less than 5 months (?).
You should wait more to add the zoas.


Well 2/3 if my rock is 2 years old but THIS tank setup is about 4-5 months. I have 4 zoos all doing well. It looks better now. Nutrients are that bad, but could be better. I'd like to get my nitrates down to 1 ish but I'm around 4-5
Again, you should wait more to add the zoas. Tank is too young.
They will suffer and live, or they won't make it. Only time will tell.
It's like playing Russian roulette. Some zoas can do, others can't.
And the less you move them around the better chances you have for their survival.
Good luck!
