What dSLR do you love and why?


FMAS Webmaster
Premium Member
I'm in the market for a dSLR camera, specifically a prosumer 10 megapixel. There are several pretty good ones available at the moment, so... which one do you (or would you) use and why? I realize that the decision can be a subjective one. Please try to be objective.

This is not really OT, because my main focus is taking high-quality photos of my tanks, specifically
a) teeny-tiny marine critters such as coral polyps and
b) really fast fish that never hold still and say "cheese".
D200 is great. I couldn't afford it. I went with the D40 basic package, and I regret not waiting until I could afford the D40x (the 10mp version of the D40). Its great for an intro camera, but I wish I could afford the D200.
if you want close ups, its the lenses that are going to get you there.
1 to 1 or 2 to 1 macros are great but they can cost a pretty penny...
as far as really fast fish...
i believe the d200 will shoot about 4.5 frames per second under good light.

ive shot flying birds at that speed, and animated it frame by frame in after effects.
it looks like a super high res movie...
really amazing.
nooo do not check those sites. If you're not paying full price for it, you're getting screwed.

The dealer with that price is usaphotonation
google usaphotonation. The second result is consumer complaints about the company


Yeah. Don't do it. I was going to get a D50 off of Refurbdepot.com for a slightly discounted price, because it's discontinued so you can't buy it new anymore. So yea, I ordered, waited waited waited, they said they had it in stock. So I called... They wouldn't have it until the end of the week (ordered the previous weekend). I waited a few days into the next week, then called again. They told me that it would be in within a month. I said "no thanks, please cancel my order." They said they did. I called again, and it wasn't canceled. Their website never cancelled either. I did some research and found out that any discount camera dealer is a ripoff in 99.99% of the time with a margin of error of +/- 0.01%. So I ended up calling AmEx, blocking them from pulling any money through, and sent them a letter to cancel it, certified mail. Booyah.

I just bought a D40 from BHphotovideo who is a very reputable distributor in the photo and video world.
Thanks, guys. What about the D80? I saw that listed on a retailer's site for 1199 with an 18-135mm lens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11158424#post11158424 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by db_triggerfish
check these sites D200 starting at 459.00 body and 719.00 w/nikon lens. not sure if 100% safe?????? prices are too good must be a catch???? just don't know.


reefwreak is right.
for a high priced and high demand item like this,
many companies have made a business screwing people over using these product.

they are mostly grey market or black marget goods,
that you can take your chances on, but if the camera has a problem,
youre basically SOL.

other companies will also tell you that they have usa warrantee, which is also a scam...
because what they are really selling you is their own warantee, not the orig manufacturers.

they also will sell you an item and not even have it to sell. months go by and no product.

always check the the products site and get the retail price.
anything more than 10% off that, starts to get into muddy waters.

as far the D80.
AMAZING camera.
you really cant go wrong w/ a nikon or canon dslr.
my only concern is the packaged lens.
its great for everyday shoots,
but for using it to get close ups is going to be hard.

dslr have an actual zoom lens as appose to a point and shoot camera where to zoom lens can be exceeded by the built in digital zoom ( can be useful but the quality degrades quite a bit),
so unless you get a macro lense, getting 1 to 1 is going to be impossible.
Also looking at the Canon Digital Rebel XTi. Although some reviewers didn't give it as high marks as the Nikon, the photo examples were actually slightly better. Also the included software allows RAW editing, whereas with Nikon it's additional. The price is better, seen it as low as 629 with sale price/discounts.
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The Rebel XTi is a good camera. It is comparable to the D80, but IMHO, i have used both and felt that the the D80 performed much better. I think this is because the d80 uses the same algorithm as the d200. Also, when i handled both cameras, again, imho, the d80 felt a little more robust and felt more comfortable in my hands.

The rebel is no slouch though, its very comparable. I notice it takes more accurate pictures in high ISO, so if low light is something youll be shooting alot, this can work.

Please keep this general rule. Photography is all about your lenses and lighting. The body of the cameras performance is nothing without a good lense or proper light. Know what you want to shoot and how, and buy the correct lenses. The 18-135mm is a good all around lense and will serve you well for the most part, but do not expect to get macro shots from it.

overall, i would suggest the d80 if the extra cash isnt an issue. But the XTi is still a very good camera.
For my macro shots I've been using my buddy's 70-300mm lens, but because the D40 doesn't have theautofocus ability for older lenses (it requires new lenses that have a drive motor in the lens, and is one of two cameras in the nikon family that requires it.) I have to manually focus it. It does take great macro shots though, and has this little switch for shooting macro, so it locks it at 200-300mm but lets you adjust the fine adjustment more. You have to stand a good 6 feet away from your subject though which is a hassle, but it looks great regardless.

the macro lens to get for nikons is really great, but it costs more than my camera body. It's like $700ish. It's the 105 or 110 mm macro nikkor. It's a beast, and a lot of people in the photography forum use it for amazing pics, but it costs a pretty penny, and basically has one use.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11159729#post11159729 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clockwurk
The 18-135mm is a good all around lense and will serve you well for the most part, but do not expect to get macro shots from it.

let me re-phrase this.

it will not give you true 1 to 1 macro or anything closer.
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Any Pentax fans out there? I've read some good things about the K10D. It's comparable in price with the Nikon 80D, but is weather sealed and has the image stabilizer. The stabilization could come in handy when shooting small critters without a tripod. The Sony Alpha has it, but from the photo tests I've seen the image quality is inferior to the cameras we've discussed so far.
I think that image stabilization comes with the lens. I believe this because Nikon sells the VR lenses that apparently review really well and have high opinions on them.

Sorry we're such nikon fanboys here. I think Kathrine uses Cannon, as well as some other people. I kinda want them to chime in because they'll say whatever they can to sway you, I mean inform you, of Cannon cameras and their differences.
NP, I realize that Canon and Nikon are easily the most popular cameras and are both great products.

I know you can get the image stabilization in the lens, but that drives up the cost considerably.

I think you meant to say that Kat uses a Pentax, as I recall from our meeting about photography.
Where is Jeff when you need him?:D

I think any Sony, Canon, or Nikon you get will be great. I am biased because I own a Canon point and shot and I would never get any other camera.


Meh, Pentax, Cannon, they're all the "other side" :p

I'm still ****ed that I missed that meeting. And every meeting. Stupid edumacation.

Image stabilization doesn't drive up the price that much, but it is included in more expensive lenses. One could argue either sideof where that price comes from.