What dSLR do you love and why?

I think when we spoke the other night most belived entry level $ you cant beat the price on the nikon d40x
the only experience i have from pentax was a manual film slr. i think it was cakked the k1000. its a nice little camera. lots of fun. and since its 100% manual, no need for batteries.

as far as dslr, i havent heard too much from them.
ive used just about every nikon and canon dslr and they are all very good in their own right.

ofcourse, you can go all out and get a medium format w/ a digital back :)
i use to use one, and they are AMAZING.
id like to have one, but id have to take out a new mortgage to afford that monster.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11160250#post11160250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
Where is Jeff when you need him?:D

I was at the west coast reefers' BBQ this weekend. :D :D

Pedro, just remember, you really can't go wrong with any SLR camera made by Canon or Nikon in the past few years. Newer ones might take 5 fps instead of 3 fps, have a bigger LCD, or a few extra megapixels, but all of them are capable of taking better pictures than the average person will be able to capture. The person behind the lens is usually the weakest link. :D

Camera bodies will come and go, it's really the lens system that matters. If you become serious about photograpy, lenses will represent a much larger investment than the camera itself, and you will probably not want to switch from one brand/system to the other down the line. I would encourage you to think about types of lenses you might want to own (eventually), and look at offerings from both Nikon and Canon. Macro, wide angle, walkaround, telephoto, maybe even a supertelephoto ($$$). And, of course, there are zooms and primes (fixed focal length) in every one of these categories. Picking lenses is all about compromise, and the best lenses are not cheap. You may find a combination of lenses in one brand or the other that's more attractive for your needs.

Look around online, peruse the photography boards. See what others say about different cameras/lenses. I spent a LOT of time doing this before I bought my first SLR.

(admitted canon L'coholic)

I use Canon as Jeff does. If you need to stay in the lower spending zone, I think the Rebel line is great. I have an older Canon 10D and I am going to be upgrading to a 40D soon.

Go to www.bhphotovideo.com www.samys.com and www.adorama.com I have bought many things from all of those sites and they are great. You can do comparisons and read all the technical info on their products. Call me if you need any help.

Pedro I Agree 300% the weakest link is the person behing the camera.
I have a 30D-I mainly got it for the children and traveling, mainly b/c I just did not wanted to miss pics. The camera is wonderful, i dunno how to use half of its features but man that thing just works flawlessly.
Another thing about buying from a reputable seller. Before you buy, make sure that the seller is on the manufactures list of approved online vendors. If you buy it from somewhere that seems pretty good (not a scam), but is not on their list you may have problems with the warranty.
Wow what a timely thread. My birthday is coming this week and I convinced the wife that I needed a good camera because I cannot compete with you guys. My Sony Powershot 8.1 mp is great unless something is moving.

Anyway...I bought the Nikon D40x yesterday and already got my best shot yet. Still don't know how to use it though. It took me 45 minutes of rreading and fiddling to figure out how to turn off the autoflash :o

Can older SLR lenses be used with dSLR cameras? I got my Dad's old Nikon SLR and it has 2 lenses. A 50 mm and a fairly decent zoom.
Thanks for all the great info, guys. I'll take a look at some of the resources mentioned. As far as "tighening the nut behind the camera" :), I love taking photos and I think (in my own humble opinion, heh heh) I've taken some pretty good shots considering the limitations of the equipment I have so, I can't wait to take it to the next level.
Cast my vote for the Nikon D80. The 18-135mm lens is a good all-around lens, and the camera is bulletproof. I love this thing.
LPS luver, old lenses work with the newer DSLR cameras, the only issue is that the D40 and D40x do not have a autofocus motor in the body anymore, so you can use older lenses, but cannot use autofocus. It sucks, but whatever, it works. The D50 and up do have autofocus in the body, but are older and more expensive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11165517#post11165517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
LPS luver, old lenses work with the newer DSLR cameras, the only issue is that the D40 and D40x do not have a autofocus motor in the body anymore, so you can use older lenses, but cannot use autofocus. It sucks, but whatever, it works. The D50 and up do have autofocus in the body, but are older and more expensive.
Still not familiar with the new camera but the D40x does have auto fucus on the zoom lens but I believe it is within the lens. It can shoot up to 25 frames per second though! Can't wait to learn that function!
LPSluver yea it is dependent on the lens. You will not get autofocus with non AF-S lenses (the new nikon lenses designed for D40-D40x and other cams).
Nikon and Canons are very nice, I used to have an Olympus (OM-2) film camera that I loved. Does anyone have any feedback on their digitals.
My Nikon D80 is excellent. Taking pictures in the native Nikon format and then beefing them up in Photoshop CS3 is a blast. The first time I used the camera, I was disappointed with the 'grainy' results. The camera is set from the factory to take the lowest resolution photos. I noticed that I had over 2,000 'shots' (estimated) available on my 2Gb. memory card. I went through the menus (very intuitive menus by the way) and changed the resolution to its highest setting, which records images in Nikon 'camera raw' format. After doing so the camera software estimates that you can record 163 images on the card. I carry a spare, but have yet to use it. I imagine if I shoot a wedding I'll have to buy another card or two. The resolution, even when cropped over 50% is amazing. My other camera, a Kodak six megapixel 'point-n-shoot', doesn't even come close. I do wish I'd waited until I could afford the D200, but I'll make do. The ease of use, flexibility, wide assortment of lenses and accessories available for this camera boggle the mind. I have asked Santa for a new lens for Christmas. I want to have a couple simple (smaller and lighter) lenses, for general purpose portraits and holiday visits.
Yeah, it seems everyone raves about the D80. One review I read the guy didn't want to give it back after the tests. The D40X is more in my price range, but I'll keep an eye out on the sales on the various sites. The consensus is that the kit lens that comes with the D80 is pretty good, much better than the one that comes with the D40X, so I have to take that into account in the overall price. If anyone finds out about a great deal, give us a bump.
Pedro, I've been extremely happy with my D40X. As mentioned above, this generation/style does not include the autofocus motor in the camera body. When using my older glass I have to focus the old fashioned way. Other than that, I've been happy with the camera. It's kit lens blows away the Cannon XTi Kit lens.
I've never used a DX40, but I don't doubt that it is fine. The performance, balance, feel, ease-of-use and overall picture quality make Nikon stand out. How'd ya' like to have 39 megapixels? Got $37,000 you don't know what to do with? There's better: http://www.hasselblad.com/promotions/h3dii.aspx, and there's worse (hack, cough, spit) Fuji, or even worse: Polaroid; but Nikon is the choice of many professionals, and has the widest range of lenses and accessories available. You won't be sorry if you save up and get the Nikon you think you need, because later, if you don't, you might wish you had (like I do). I wish I'd gotten the D200. Oh well, live and learn.

Oh, by the way, if anyone wants to buy me an H3DII, you can shoot me a PM. =)
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