What filtration do u use / skimmer


New member
i have a brand new 220 rr an im useing this huge wet dry an plan on getting a deltec skimmer just wonder if this is the kind of setups u guys are useing its gonna be fish only but does the wet dry work well with a nice skimmer any suggestions ???
Yes it does. Remember this is not a reef tank so you don't need to keep nitrates very low, as you need to in a reef tank, and this setup will work well. Do you need to spend big bucks on a Deltec skimmer? Probably not, I would get a cheapier skimmer and save the bucks. You may want to also place some power heads in the tank for water movement.
On my 240, I have about 150 lbs of live rock, wet dry filter with 5 gal bio balls, and an ASM G5 protein skimmer. My tank is heavily stocked and water quality is just fine.
i have an eheim 2229 wet dry and an 2028 (filled with chemi pure and ceramic tube) ,i also have a turboflotor multi sl on the tank . i think the set up you have or are getting will work great! good luck!