what flow (turnover) is recommended for a SPS tank?


Active member
what flow (turnover) is recommended for a SPS tank? 30x,40x. it is a softie tank now but want to start adding some sps. my tank is 4x2x2


It depends; if you have a lot of rock really packed into the tank then you'll need/want a higher turnover rate. However, if you have a really open tank then a lower turnover would be fine. Your biggest key to success with SPS is indirect random flow.

In my 120 (4x2x2) I have a pair of Tunze 6060s (1600 GPH each) and a wavebox along with a mag 12 dialed way down on return.
The more the merrier. However, I only have about 3800 gph on my 180 so I'm only pushing around 22ish. I feel my flow is enough for now but I am planning on eventually upgrading as my corals are getting VERY packed in.
i currently have 120x turnover in a 75. i had to point most of the flow down so as not to splash out of the tank but i am always trying to get as much indirect flow as possible.
my 120 was @114x and now my 180 is 140x + a wavebox.

If BB go with as much as you can and if you have sand 40-50 is a good range.