Whalehead9 New member Feb 28, 2008 #1 What kind of foods are suggested to feed rics, both yuma and florida? Type and size if possible.
maxheadroom Clownfish Farmer Feb 28, 2008 #2 I have orange and blue rics. I give them shrimp, scallops, or brine shrimp and they love it.
K kwilson80439 New member Feb 28, 2008 #3 brine shrimp or mysis 3 times a week, sun. wed. and fri. I melt it with phyoto. amount, no more thats not gone in 2min.
brine shrimp or mysis 3 times a week, sun. wed. and fri. I melt it with phyoto. amount, no more thats not gone in 2min.
C cplklegg New member Feb 29, 2008 #4 Cyclopeeze, get the frozen bar and shave off a sliver with a reef-dedicated knife.
Whisperer New member Feb 29, 2008 #5 once in a while...shrimp leg meat (I eat the shrimp). I stopped because my stupitt wrasse steals them.
once in a while...shrimp leg meat (I eat the shrimp). I stopped because my stupitt wrasse steals them.
L ledford1 New member Mar 1, 2008 #6 Brine, mysis, oyster eggs, phyto, and sometimes the scraps left in the bottom of the cup just after feeding the fish.
Brine, mysis, oyster eggs, phyto, and sometimes the scraps left in the bottom of the cup just after feeding the fish.