What gives with my Watermelons?

I got these watermelons and radioactives at the same time from the same guy in the same frag tank side by side. They have been in my tank for about 3 weeks. Both frags are side by side in my tank as well. The radioactives have already grown and are out almost all day every day. The watermelons were the same way until about 10 days ago they closed up. It went from about 10 open heads to 5, and for the past few days down to 2 heads open now. I have tried moving them around but no luck. I have a few other Zoa/palys that all are doing well. Its just these watermelons that are acting up. The guy I got them from said its normal for zoas to close up for a few days but its been about 10 days now.



Bottom part of the frag doesn't look healthy.
Looks like you dipped with a strong solution, too strong for the ploys.
Or it was internally damaged and it has an internal infection.

I don't think there is much to do besides watch it.
I would leave it alone and just keep watching.
If the bottom part look worse remove from the tank and smell it.
If smells rotten cut the bottom part off and leave only the open polyps on the frag.

Keep in mind that leaving it alone means not to keep moving it.
Also, you will have better chances for them to come back to normal.
I've seen worse cases where the polyps got better and better, back to normal.
Good luck!

Well, if wasn't dipped, you've should.
Next time you can do a Lugol's dipping or one of those commercial "cleaner" dipping solutions, like Coral Rx.
You should dip every frag before put it in your tank. That is mainly to avoid the introduction of unwanted organisms into your system. Once that's in, you already took the chance.

Dip it for infection, if you want.

I use Lugol's at 3-5 drops in a 8-10 oz of tank water in a container for a minute.

For the other types of dipping solutions please follow the instructions carefully.

Keep watching…

Good luck!
I've had some go like that. Sometimes the heads open up again eventually, sometimes they just waste away. As long as one head survives your good to go :)