What happened to your coral selection?


Premium Member
I went to the livestock sections and tried each of the different coral subcatagories. Nothing came up.

I went to the cherry pick section, but most were sold.

What's up??
Hi Mark,

On the coral subcatagories i had to delete all of those items, because we just kept getting orders for items we didn't have. It was too confusing for people to check the list of what we really have instock and then order from those items. So what would happen is we would have customers spend lots of time picking out corals and then find out we didn't have them and get upset. So i felt it was better to remove them.

The Cherry pick is out of date right now. Jeremy is usually taking the pictures and putting those online and he has been busy the last 2 weeks getting ready for the Macna show starting today. So things look a little scarce right now.

We'll try and get that cherry pick page updated early next week. Also, we have plans to create a new website with just fish and corals with true pictures of every coral. That is the goal anyways!


Glad to hear that ... I've been frustrated by that as well ... though figured it out.

But a page full of sold cherry picks ... just sort of annoys me after a few weeks of looking at the same ones. Nice to see what had come in ... but only for so long.

Glad to hear you're updating them next week, I'm sure we're just among a number of eager folks wanting to spend our $$ with you.
Hi Mark,

I hear ya! We have very much wanted to improve our livestock pages for many months. We have a lot of ideas, now we just have to implement them.


Thanks for the info. It makes perfect sense. I, too, have tried to order corals that you "had" in stock, only to find out the site was not updated.

Please let us know when the site is complete. I do not make a habit of checking out online retailers unless I am going to buy, so I may not know.

Can you update us here [or on this forum] when you've posted your new Cherry Pick [sps!] stuff? It would be easier than checking your site daily ...

