What / How to feed a baby lion?


I have a lion fish with about 2" body length (not including fins), I have been feeding him live ghostshrimps for the past three weeks to let him settle in. Now I am trying to wean him onto frozen / freeze dried.

What would you recommand me to start with? The lion is pretty small and I don't think he can take a whole krill yet. I have some freeze-dried krill that I want to try, but they float in the water and there is no way I can poke a feeding stick through it, how do you guys do it?
You can use Frozen krill soaked in vitamins, I would not feed the freeze dried krill. If you do try the freeze dried soak it in a cup of tank water and add vitamins. Just place the krill on a feeder stick and wiggle it, I assume this is a Volitan and they are usually pretty easy to wean over.

You can also try a small piece Raw Shrimp, octo, squid, silversides or frozen sand eels. Try to offer a variety of foods soaked in vitamins.

Hope this helps,
Actually ghost shrimp are a fine, P volitans will readily take many prepared foods, so consider using small chunks of gulf shrimp, white fish, squid, etc the key will be make the pieces small.

SKIP the freeze dried krill... i know its easy food, but believe me its bad for the fish long term. Its missing many micronutrients, including iodine
Lastly feel free to read the lionfish info sheet found here
Thanks all! I am mainly concerned about how to attach a small piece of food to a feeding stick for such a tiny lion... but I guess the tong is the answer! =)