What invertebrates and corals can go in a FOWLR tank?


New member
I'm starting my tank thus week and I can't decide between a FOWLR and a reef tank. There are fish like angels, trigger and lionfish that I just can't get myself to ignore, but at the same time I'm not sure if I will be able to create a beautiful aquascape without corals, then there are the shrimp, crabs, etc... I'm not thinking of having eels.

I started to do some reasearch to find out what corals and other invertebrates would be compatible with some of these non-reef compatible fish, but it's difficult to find this kind of information. I just want some basic mushrooms and polyps to give the tank some color and I want to have a cleaning crew too that won't be any fish's lunch.

Can you give me some advice, maybe point me to a book or website?
fowlr v. reef

fowlr v. reef

the kinds of corals you'll be able to keep in a FOWLR will depend on two things: 1) your lighting. 2) the tankmates.

if you have PC, you'll be limited to soft corals (mushrooms, xenia, the like), and you'll want to choose fish that are typically not coral eaters.

if you have MH lights, you can do a greater range of corals, but bear in mind the fish you want to have in the system.

there are plenty of texts out there, and i'm sure other RC members will give you a reading list...but for starters, get a copy of The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists by Bob Fenner or a copy of The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide. a search on Amazon.com will give you some additional titles. and look through the stickies on RC...lots of information right here!

hope this helps a little...