What is Chemiclean and how does it work?


Regurgitated Fender
In building my new reef tank after a decade away from the hobby, I'm in the ugly stage where I'm having cyno. The tank is going on 3 months old, but I've been dealing with the cyno for a month, and am growing wearing of fighting with it.

Years ago, when I started my old tank, the LFS gave me an antibiotic for cyno. I can't remember if it was tetracycline or erythromycin, but I don't think that signifies right now. It worked.

I just bought a box of Chemiclean. It's in the blue box. My first question is about whether I bought the right one. It says it cleans "stains" from cyno. Does it get rid of the cyno, or just do something to clean up the cyno after you've rid the tank of it by other means? The reason I ask it that there is a red box version of the product, and I'm wondering what the difference is. Did I buy the wrong product, or could this be a two step thing?

My other question is about how this product works. It says on the box that it's not erythromycin. What is it, and by what mechanism does it work? I'd like to know these things before I just throw the stuff in.
P.S. My water parameters are all spot on, with the exception of not knowing the phosphate levels. I have a test kit in the mail from amazon now.
Chemiclean is the product to treat cyano (Red Slime Remover is another)..
If its not erythromycin is VERY close to it..

Have you tried a 3 day blackout first?
I'd suggest that you do a bigger water change and siphon as much of the cyano out as you can.. Then turn off the lights for 3 days (more if you don't have any corals)..
Then do another water change and siphon out whats left and see how that goes..

I'm not a big fan of any chemicals in such a new tank..
Chemi clean is an antibiotic.

The box says something like: does not contain erythromycin sulfate. I've been told that it's just a marketing statement, and that it just contains a different salt of erythromycin.
I seem to get Cyano every Spring. It will go away usually in a month or so if I leave it. I don't like the way it looks and smothering some coral so I do a round of Chemiclean and it's gone in a week with no ill effects to the tank.