What is going on?


In Memoriam
Hallo every one. I am looking for help .my xenias was growing so fast, it looked so well and now the base is turning yellow and falling a part. May some one tell me what is going on?

I'm not sure if you'll get an answer to your question. I can have large Pom Pom colonies growing like mad, then one day, they shrivel up and die off. The majority of the time there is a few polyps that are spared, and eventually multiply back to their original numbers, just in time for the whole cycle to start over!
Having the same problem out of no where! No issues w/these for a year, and now they seem to be seperating from their base (no yellow stuff) . I think my salinity is too low. I have corrected it and will see. Will let you know. Let me know if you try anything and it helps?
I had to scrape off my xenias out of my tank one time. I've had it for a year. It always splits. It was a credit-maker for me since LFS buys them off from me for store credit towards corals.

One day, just showed ill signs of death. Weird. I had to scrape it off before it starts crashing my tank.
It could be a disease, but sometimes entire stands of Xenia melt for no apparant reason -- I believe this happens in nature as well. You could try doing a water change and/or adding some trace elements, it's possible the Xenia is missing something or is otherwise unhappy with the conditions. What are your water parameters (specific numbers)?