S smkkib New member Mar 15, 2014 #1 This is a ricordia I do have in my tank still free flowing around the tank. I notice he has been caught some thing to eat, any of you guys can identify it Is this some one egg pouch? Pictures attached Thanks SMKKIB Attachments jjj.jpg 64.9 KB · Views: 1
This is a ricordia I do have in my tank still free flowing around the tank. I notice he has been caught some thing to eat, any of you guys can identify it Is this some one egg pouch? Pictures attached Thanks SMKKIB
Mael New member Mar 17, 2014 #5 yah I would have to guess sponge, unles you dropped some peas in there recently? lol Not sure if he will like the taste or not.
yah I would have to guess sponge, unles you dropped some peas in there recently? lol Not sure if he will like the taste or not.