what is the best place to scuba dive in florida

Take a trip down to Cay Sal Bank in the Bahammas if you would like to see turtles and sharks. I saw at least a five foot long Loggerhead sea turtle there. Also 20-30 grey reef sharks. There are not many small animals to speak of but you may see turtles. At the Cayman Islands, I saw a turtle on every dive.
By the way, Maui is one of the islands in Hawaii. There are many islands within the Hawaii islands. Save your money up. It is a good location as well to see turtles in.I have not done any diving in Florida, so I don't know what the dives are like. I've seen many turtles while diving though.
A little bit more info on exactly what kind of dives your looking for and your certification level would help. Hands down the Keys have the most variety in regard to wreck and reef in Florida all within a relatively close proximity. It also has a ton of tourist ammenities and night life. The east coast has some good reef dives and the west coast has mainly wreck dives. Central FL is full of freshwater springs, sinks, and river dives. Take your pick, FL's got it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7977277#post7977277 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by puffer21
I want to see turtles and porcupine puffers. Im also not certifid im going to get it up there.

Ahhh OK so you'll be getting eithier basic open water or resort certification mainly based upon where you go and the amount of time you have. For those species I'd say eithier a reef dive off the east coast or they keys. Don't count on catching a glimpse of a sea turtle (most likely a green) as the best chance to see one around a reef is usually at night. As far as a porcupine puffer is concerned, I've seen a fair amount on dive's. Here's a shot of one I snapped on a night dive off West Palm:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8024120#post8024120 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thor32766
nice porcupine pic!

Thanks Thor. Believe it or not that was taken at night with just a Sony Digital Camera in a underwater housing and an LED flashlight.
Well the east coast isn't that far away (Cocoa Beach, Daytona, etc) maybe 45 minutes to an hour. Otherwise in the immeadiate Orlando area you're looking at freshwater dives.
Dudette, do you even know how to use a computer? Ever hear of Google or Mapquest? My 6 year old knows how to go to these sites and lookup stuff.
what are you talking about. I know where places is. What im trying to figure out is if i go to Florida keys who far into the ocean would i have to go to see the reefs. I dont think i can use mapquest for that.
Try Googling Key Large Dive Operators, call or e-mail them and get the info first hand. Rather than contantly ask everyone for info dig it out yourself. You'll have learned something on your own rather than have others do things for you.
And you can use mapquest (well Terraserver anyway) and get a topographical map. It shows you right where the reefs are all across the country.

Me thinks you puff too much.