what is the best reef safe


New member
what is the best reef safe fish or shrep or crab to eat hair alge in my tank ?
i have a big bloom of it in the tank !
i have cut my lighting way down and have also cut my feeding down to 1 time every 2 day .
my fish and coral are all doing grate ! just a big bloom that i do not like
i have a cc of nites and hurmet crabs but there not doing to well on getting it gone out of the tank.
i dont want to have to pull the lr out of my tank becouse it is just realy starting to take off i got a lot of hichhickers with the lr that i put in a lot of starfish ! and snals and brital stars !

Buying a fish or crab to eat your hair algae is like putting a band-aid on a bigger problem. You need to find the real source and eliminate it. Having snails and hermits won't hurt but they won't keep it under control if it's growing overwhelmingly.

You could do a combination of scrubbing the algae off and leaving the lights off more.

Are you running GFO or carbon? You could always do more frequent water changes.
+1, CuC's, tangs, emerald crabs can hlpe but like said they are really just living bandaids. Sure they eat the algae, but the nutrients to grow more will still be there. You might want to look into GFO, crabon or chemi-pure elite to help get the nutrients reduced.
i am almost done making a alge scrubber to get rid of no3 and no4 out of the tank so i am getting rid of 2 problems or should i say one and a potential problem in the fucher time
Whatever algae the fish and invertebrates eat will only be passed back into the system as waste, thus compounding your already excessive nutrients issue.
If available in your area purchase Turbo Snails! They love to graze on that stuff. I had a slight problem with that and introduced them into my tank and after a day it was gone.
If available in your area purchase Turbo Snails! They love to graze on that stuff. I had a slight problem with that and introduced them into my tank and after a day it was gone.

....until they die in your tank a month later and create a nitrate/phosphate spike.
....until they die in your tank a month later and create a nitrate/phosphate spike.

Haha I had my turbo snails for almost a year in my frag tank. no deaths and no nitrate or phosphate spikes
Turn off your lights for 2 days per month, clean your tank weekly (water changes are a must) until the phosphates come down. lighten your feeding (most commercial fish food have phosphates, I feed every other day) put some carbon in your system for a couple of days every other month and check your bio-load, what goes in must come out. check your filters on the ro/di system they may need replacing. Try these things and your system should some what straighten out. The big things are the feeding and water changes. this cure it over night but should have an impact in several weeks. Good luck
mexicans will eat cyano as well, my vote is mexican turbos, they kick the crap outta lotta stuff, and are always hungry.