What is the topic for April's meet?

What's new in skimmer technology?

What's the new method to a health aquarium?

What's on tap for the next meeting?

Matt Wittenrich on breeding Green Mandarins

Matt Wittenrich on breeding Green Mandarins

Ahhh, I'm glad you asked.

Matt Wittenrich, marine biologist and author of the recently published The Complete Illustrated Breeder's Guide to Marine Aquarium Fishes. He has been deeply involved with the aquarium industry since the age of 15 working as a researcher, consultant, aquaculture technician, and hobbyist. His most recent accomplishment was raising Green Mandarins, Synchiropus splendidus, and will be the focus of this month's talk.

Here's a shot of a Green Mandarin larva at 8 days

Here's more info.
This is the meeting I've been waiting for.

Hey Pedro, did I miss something? Why does your title say "Moved On"? Did you get banned?!?