what is this coral?? I bought it from Treeman at the swap


New member
What is this transparent looking thing? at night it lifts up. it kind of looks like a mushroom to me.

That's because of what Rogger said...it's lost a lot of it's zoozantella. If you give it lots of T.L.C., it could come back and be all ric'ed out.
It looks like it could be a rhodactus or some other kind of "mushroom". I don't think you got it from me though. I didn't have any on big rocks. If it is a ricordea and is a little bleached. You can keep it under good lighting and good flow, also feed it with cyclopeze or something like that.
Looks rhodactis-ish to me. Looks a lot like the kind I have. Looks more like small polyps on its skin than bubbles. Does it look like this:
yes! it does look like that! that's what it is but bleached. any special requirements? it looks like its doing good and coming back...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7949254#post7949254 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Treeman
... I don't think you got it from me though. I didn't have any on big rocks....
aren't you the big guy with a mustache?
Nothing at all. They are so easy to care for. If there is too much flow, he'll just peel off and find a new place, sometimes leaving enough there to where a new one will grow. You do not need to, but I feed them(and all of my corals) mysis and an assortment of other things once in a while(maybe every couple weeks). They do fine in high light or low light. I have one about 6" from a 150W MH and two 110W VHO and in fairly good flow, and it is standing strong. I also have them on the sand bed almost under a rock completely and it is healthy down there. Getting the health back and the zooxanthellae repopulating will be the hardest part as it is now in its most fragile state. Just take care of it and it should do fine.
who was it that i bought it from then? it was a rock with caleurpa, ricordia, star polyps and a serpent star inside the rock.
i agree it looks like the mushrrom for sure. also, i dont know if you want grape caulerpa in your tank, but it will grow like a weed and you will have a VEARY hard time getting rid of it because it attaches to everything. so id remove it asap and try and pull the roots off as best you can.

i made the mistake with my 30g buying a ric rock with some of it on it. it spread over ALOT of my corals, growing over zoos. etc.
That was me you got it from. It's been in my nano for almost a full year, and never gained or lost color. The shroom, far as I can tell IS a rhodactis, and I never fed it, never did anything for it, and it grew very slowly. It has always had a hint of color, but never gained any color. It was definitely different.