What is this coral?


New member
I picked up this coral last weekend and not sure what it is:

Tan/pinkish base with purple tips.


Thanks! :D
I have worked with a lot of people in the coral industry, and they have all told me that giving acros a species name is pointless in most cases. I have taken tiny frags from one environment to another, and the 2nd gen looks nothing like the parent in structure or color. There are porites in the ocean w/ different DNA on different sides.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10461344#post10461344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chromafi
I have worked with a lot of people in the coral industry, and they have all told me that giving acros a species name is pointless in most cases. I have taken tiny frags from one environment to another, and the 2nd gen looks nothing like the parent in structure or color. There are porites in the ocean w/ different DNA on different sides.

So you keep posting stuff about why people cant name corals. Because you cant does not mean other people cant, and why waste the time and space in these threads with this junk??
chromafi, this is a species id forum. If your comments dont have a species guess in them and I have seen 2 of your posts so far. Then go somewhere else and post. Dont discourage what this thread was made for.
Not sure on the ID but it looks like this to me...this is a coral I have and am not absolutely positive on the ID.