What is true ID?


New member
I got 2 of these as hitchhikers on some rock years ago and at the time were told they were "Florida Mushrooms". Was wondering the true name. I love them!!!!!!!! Have about 40 between two tanks now. They move and reproduce. Eat about anything that gets in them. Was told they had become illegal now? Not to have but to harvest? Don't know that's why asking you all.

Wow Are you talking about the brownish ones that look like huge button polyps? My lfs has some of those. Your lucky to have them since they are illegal to harvest/sell now. I forget their name though.

edit: lol somehow i didn't read the second half of your post, yea you can keep them, you just can't sell them.
This only one colony that I have. They have done extremy well in my tank(s)s IT was wierd, for the longest time, like a year, it was just the two and then we saw a little baby between them and then they started reproducing about every couple months. Now, years later I've been able to have several colonies and put them between two tanks. They move by themselves(no, not between the two tanks) and seem to go exactly where I would put them. No other corals have any probs touching them or anything. Still would like to Know what they are though.
That would be awesome, a genetically engineered mushroom that could spread from one tank to another, just place the tank next to the colony. LOL

My lfs has fragged them before and given them to a person or two but haven't in a long time. I'm waiting for them to do it again. They are in a 210 or something reef that they sell their corals from and sometimes mushrooms will fall off the colonies and attach somewhere else and grow. They have a ton of blue mushrooms around the bottom and some green ones I haven't seen anywhere else and some red ones growing around but they won't frag them. The owner told me he didn't want to frag them and have the tank die..... But they will eventually have to frag them so I'm waiting...
I soooooooooooo want some blue shrooms!!!!!!!!! Too scared to order on line since you really never know what your gonna get. I moved and the lfs here suck!!!!!!!!!! Am planning trip to Atlanta in Feb and hope to check out the lfs there. These don't fall off though. They seem to scoot over long periods of time. Still asking "what the heck are they?" Have a thread going in Reef discussion too.
Yeah a little off-topic but I personally probably will never order blue mushrooms off the internet because there are so many different color variations between blue/purple you never know if your going to get a purple or an actual blue. I have like 3-4 different color purples and a cluster of blue/purple striped mushrooms. I am tired of purple mushrooms...

Sorry I don't remember what the mushrooms in question are called.
Heard!!!!! Seems like tank is red and purple little bit of green. I want to add some flare. Need some blue and something vibrant yellow. Just haven't made up mind yet. Nice talking with ya!
Yeah nice chat. I guess no one knows about these mushrooms. Well to go with your last post, I just took some pictures of my 20 gallon nano to maybe give you some ideas on colorful corals HTH.

Here's some green star polyps (you can see it growing on the glass lol I'm gonna take a razor blade and frag it off in a couple weeks). I have 4 different gsp's (collected from different places) One has less green/yellow and more pink, another has longer tentacles then the others and the other two are a little different in color. Here's the one in my 20H-


Here's some of my mushrooms. You can see the purpe with orange/gold tentacle ricordea floridia on the left, then the red w/ white spotted mushrooms on the top, one of my blue/purple mushrooms, a tan/green with white blotches, some wierd blue/purple/green mushrroms there on the sand I picked up two days ago (attached to the rocks in one day lol), and then my blue/green Rhodactis on the bottom left and it's friend a bluish green color with a yellow mouth rhodactis. You can kinda see one of my bta's on the left (the white tipped tentacles).


These where taken with a phone that's why they are blurry. I suggest zooming out to see it more clearly. (ctrl + wheel)
Nice shrooms man! I lost my star polyps last year to some hair algea but befor I lost them all I moved to my other tank and are doing great. I haven't moved back yet as I am having a battle with some wierd creature in that tank but hey, thats another thread. I really like the ones in pic above that seem to be green and is that blue or purple? The ones on sandbed. Great rooms!

The ones on the sandbed are blue and purple. They are wierd looking. I need a camera to get a clearer pic of them. But I got them because I haven't seen a color morph like it.

Yea the big green and blue rhodactis on the left is doing great. I've fed it mysis and shrimp and I've swirled up the sand next to it to get some detritus floating around it. It closes up and eats it. I would get more but they are $12 a polyp and I don't have room. My next tank will be a mushroom dominated tank with some gsp and kenya tree frags- IMO those are unkillable.

I'm eager to cut that big red mushroom... lol
I love mushrooms!! There are so many color variations and types. One of the easier things to grow and my maroon loves the giant hairy one. It used to be the size of a plate but split this last year into two. Now two saucers. Like I said befor, the lfs around here suck. Not like Florida where the choices where pretty great. I miss that. Kind of in a stand still right now. I am really hoping to see something in Atlanta in Feb. We are going to the AQUARIUM and hope to visit some lfs around the area too. Hopefully being in the bigger city will open up some oportunity to purchase. I need some variation at this point. I am getting that itch again. Maybe I'll just buy the 200 gal now. Anyway thanks for the photos. I would share more of mine but in the middle of treating for a rise in phosphates. Had some wierd algea breakout. I am trying to figure out how to post pics to gallery. I have some cool piscs over the years. I'll try to post tomarrow. Hope to talk to you again.
I had trouble posting pics in the gallery so all of mine are on photobucket.

For some reason I really really want to diy stuff right now. I want to make a tank/stand and stuff. I think I'm just gonna frag some corals and get store credit and buy the tank with that and maybe make my own stand and I am going to make a diy carbon and phosphate reactor soon.

This hobby is soooo addicting!
Nice talking to you.
Hmm. I just saw some polyps called "Cinnamin Polyps" that look like them for sale on a website and from the hour of searching for info about them I am guessing they are some type of Protopalythoa grandis. I am going by the lfs tomorrow so I can stop by and ask them since they have them in their tank.
Yeah I googled and saw the same thing. But the center was different and so were the ends of the hairs. I know the lfs in florida where I got them said they could not get them a couple years later cause illegal. I had wanted some more. Then mine started reproducing. Little clear stalks at the bottom that turned into big ones. Let me know what they say tomarrow. I guess I could call lfs in Florida too. Yeah, I'll do that too cause if nothing else need to say hi.
Hey, I went to my lfs yesterday and asked the owner. He said they are Cinnamin polyps. It's illegal to harvest them from the wild but you can sell aquacultured polyps.
Dont know what your LFS is thinking but those palys are readily available. Maybe because they're harvested IN florida there illegal? I have mint green palys just like that, hitched in w/ a zoa colony from S pacific