What Kind Of Caulerpa Is This & What Should I Do About It?


Premium Member
I'm new to the hobby. I just put live rock in my aquarium 2 1/2 weeks ago. Here is what the caulerpa looked like then.

Here is what it looks like now. It's really shot up in just the last few days since I increased the photoperiod.



Should I try to remove this stuff or just let it be? I'm particularly worried about the phallic looking extension that is hanging down with all the white fuzzy stuff on it. Is this what it looks like right before it "goes sexual"?

Thanks for your help.
I don't remeber the scientific name for that stuff, but it grows like crazy (I have tons of it in my refugium)

It is not going sexual in your pics, rather, it is growing. In the last of your pics, that white extension is new growth with roots beginning to shoot off. When it goes sexual, the leaves and stem get an almost translucent look to them.
So how much do you suppose I should let it grow? Would it be wise to snip that extention off and try to contain the stuff to one piece of rock?
its really your personal preference I suppose. What type of fish do you have/or are you going to add? A foxface or tang will keep most caulerpa widdled down.

That specific type of caulerpa is pretty easy to remove, unlike others, which become like vines that get strangle holds around rock.

If you ever see parts of it starting to get a translucent look to them, go ahead and start yanking it, as that is a sign of it going sexual, but from your pics, the stuff looks to be going strong
Caulerpa racemosa

Caulerpa racemosa

That is known as Grape Caulerpa. It is a fast grower once it acclimates to it's new surroundings. Relatively safe, but potential for "going sexual" under certain conditions. Not sure what those conditions are exactly, but I would keep it pruned every now and then, and give it lots of light(meaning length of time the lights are on).
well, I don't think you actually have enough caulerpa there to affect your tank either way, but that is that translucent look that I was speaking of. Just pull off the ends that are starting to do that. Do you have a sump/ and or refugium on your tank? If so, just pull it all off and throw it in there. I keep my refugium lit 24/7 as this seems to be one variable that helps to keep caulerpa from going sexual (constant light)

Jayhawk88 said:

This is what it looks like this morning. Should I be worried?

I think the white is new growth that green up through the day. That is a good sign of growth.

BTW Congrates. I could never get my grape to grow. Probably because I had already established caulpera profilera.

IMO this is the most important filtration in your system. What every you do get as much of that stuff growing as you can. The entire system will be much easier to maintain that way.
Thats a good pic of it dying. When the macro takes hold, it's a PITA to get out. Your best bet is to run a refuguim and put the macro's in there. It goes sexual when it gets confined. It senses that it can't grow more. In a last ditch to survive, it releases all it's spores in the water to go find new turf to grow. It really screws up the water quality in a closed system. It needs to be pruned every 2-3 weeks to keep this from happening.

HTH, Dan

BTW, new growth is in the first pic, in the runners, not the "balls".
it's Caulerpa Racemosa

I have it growing in my main tank as well. i actually like it, although i have more of a planted marine tank than a reef tank. I've never had problems with it personally, but i guess some have. Just trim it gently and lightly and it should do fine.

it is an excellent nutrient exporter. I have no filters (i do have a bag of carbon in my sump...) or skimmers on my tank and it's looking great after 4 years. I feed moderately heavy and feed phyto every other day. No bad algaes or cyano problems. Caulerpa is a good macro, just watch it and keep it in check.

that last picture doesn't look good tho.... might be getting ready to reproduce, which is what everyone dreads..... so if you can get the white stems out now, you'll save yourself a headache.