What kind of rock will Zoanthids grow onto?


New member
I got a little rock of some small zoas, and I kind of stuffed the rock into a crack in my marco rocks. Will the zoas attach and grow onto the marco rock? The marco rock is very rough and porous. Will they grow into all the little cracks and stuff? Here is a pic of where I placed them. This was a about a week ago, and they already look bigger, just not growing off the little rock they came on yet. Also does anyone know what kind they are? At my LFS it just said assorted zoa.

I use Macro Rocks as well. Z's and P's will pretty much grow on anything and some evasive species will even grown on top ( over grow ) on other Z's and P's.

They'll grown on clam shells, snail shells, any rock work, tank walls, pumps etc...
They will grow on absolutely anything baring toxic or caustic. Speed wise I have read that they grow best on calcium carb vs ceramic or smooth plastic surfaces because they may incorporate the granules into their matt