What kind of skimmer is everyone using?


New member
I was just wondering what kind of skimmer everyone is using. I am going to be looking for a new skimmer since i think the one I have (sealife systems) is crap. Was thinking of maybe getting the MRC2
i am proud to say my diy is perfect for my 180g here is some links get the idea and if you looking to buy one we can talk about it pm please lol
skimmer alon


I am using a MRC MR-1 on my 125g sps tank / 60g refugium... works like a beast, but going to upgrade as I might be adding a 30g for my zoo's to it...

-Mike C.
Sorry Mike, but I meant it would be perfect for Abengochea. The tank is listed as 75gal. I run an aquac ev 240 on my 150gal.It is an awesome skimmer.
I am using a Euro-reef 8-3, it comes paired up with a sedra 5000 pump, I cant really compare cause it is the only skimmer I have, but I think it does a decent job at pulling what ever it is that it pulls, but the best features are that it is very easy to put together, very easy to tune and extremely easy to clean.
If you are on a budget, coralife super skimmer is nice. I have CSS 220 on a 125 gal and it's pulling out alot of junk.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7656855#post7656855 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kewlworm
If you are on a budget, coralife super skimmer is nice. I have CSS 220 on a 125 gal and it's pulling out alot of junk.
I have the SS 125 with several Mods.......I pull out tons of nasty stuff from my tank......
Lol, sorry andy, thought you were referring to my post right above yours. I was really tired last night posting on here.

-Mike C.
I have a top fathom 2000... not real happy with it. I've changed pumps twice and can't quite get it working right.
When i get my tank set back up it will be Deltec ap600 on a 58 with a 29g sump :) .

Right now everything is being held in a temp tank that's a 40g breeder with a CPR Aquafudge PS on the back..... lol

If i would be buying a new one i would get a Deltec Knockoff "Octopus Skimmer"
ASM G2 skimmer with a sedra 5000 recirculating. 100 gallon tank, 20 gallons running in sump/refugium.

super skimmer 125 on my 30 gallon. Thinking about downgrading to the 65 though, its a bit overkill.
Jaime, the skimmer is overkill? I thought u could never skim to much. By the way, the chiller is working like a charm
theres alot of differing opinions on this subject, but i personally think you cant overskim. Even if you buy an EXTREMELY oversized skimmer, you can always dial it down to get a wetter skimmate.

For my application, the skimmers pump and body are huge,(currently running HOB, till i finish my sump for this tank) along with the heat factor from the large pump. those are the only 2 reasons that i decided its just too big.