What livestock do you keep in your zoa tanks?

lets see if i get them all.....

1..hippo tang
1..yellow tang
1..powder brown tang
1..coral beauty
1..black/yellow tail damsel
1..maroon gold stripe clown
2..skunk cleaners
1..coral banded shrimp
1..crocea clam
2..serpent stars
1..pink urchin
1..DINNER plate sized RBTA
1..sand sifter starfish

snails and few hermits
Pair of percs, mandarin, yellow tang, royal gramma, sepernt star, toms of mini brittle stars, lots snails and hermits plus a couple of conchs.
2-yellow tangs.
1-yellow belly hippo tang
1-blonde naso tang
1-goldrim tang
1-sailfin tang
1-maroon clown
2-ora caramel clowns
2-talbot damsels
1-fire tail blue damsel
1-mandarin blenny
2-neon gobys
1-six line wrasse
2 hippo tangs
1 mimic tang
2 yellow tangs
1 sailfin tang
2 Dejardini tangs
12 chromis
3 Oceallaris clown fish
2 black and white clown fish
2 yellow watchmen gobies
1 dart fish
1 purple fire fish goby
1 lawn mower blenny
1 green wrasse
Tons of snails
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 Pepper mint shrimp
1 Sand shifting starfish

Thanks for the input.

Have any of you had any issues with fish that don't actually eat zoas rather they pick at them for the algae etc.?

What about shrimp and crabs?
For shrimp, you can never go wrong with a cleaner shrimp. Just make sure its not the identical looking camel shrimp. For crabs, they are all evil to me.
sixlines are great for unwanted pests. However they may bully your other fish! tailspots do a great job picking algae all day
2 grade B picasso clowns
1 blue spot jawfish
1 flame hawkfish
1 yellow tang
1 sixline
1 green mandarin
1 green chromis
2 firefish

about a dozen feather dusters
1 Alligator pipefish
1 Tassled filefish
1 Melanurus wrasse
3 Firefish
1 Purple Pseudochromis
1 Lawnmower Blenny

lots of blue legged hermits
3 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Hawaiian feather dusters and hundreds of little feather dusters
Is this for your new build?

If so I would look at some gobies and small clowns. They are reef safe and will not cause a huge problem.

Inverts: I have snails and hermits. I have had problems with the bigger crabs in the past so I avoid them. If you plan on having frags on the sand bed (if you have a sandbed) the I would try and avoid pistol shrimp. They can steal frags for their burrow. Larger nassarius snails and conchs can knock things over but I still like them.
Yes and no I guess.

I was just curious what others had mostly.

I still plan to stock a single tailspot blenny for my fish. The last time I went to my LFS they were out so I guess I will just have to head back no matter how many times it takes.

I was curious about shrimp and smaller crabs like pom poms just for further stocking.

I looked last night and my frag now has a 5th polyp so it is growing and I finally glued it down to a piece of dry rock.
I know plenty of people who have had pom pom crabs that have been fine, mine clipped polyps to carry around. I avoid pretty much avoid any crab outside blue legs and scarlet reefs. I am sure I am being over cautious but that is just me.