What reef safe fish can be with V. Lion in a reef tank


New member
Subject says it all, what fish can co-exist with a Lion in a reef of just softies? 75 gallon is the size with a large sump and skimmer.
There are so many...

Research on here to find out what is reef-safe, and then minimize that list down to fish that are too big for a lion to swallow, or won't pick on the lion.
Not meaning to be overly critical, but a volitan will probably outgrow a 75g tank. They can get to be over a foot long and that's not including the "wings." You might be better off going with an antenatta, radiata or zebra if you want to keep other fish in the tank with the lion.
lionfish can eat fish as long as them, another reason to go with a smaller species for your tank. There aren't many fish too large for a v lion and yet small enough for a 75.