What should my 6010 controller be set at???


New member
I just want to know what my tunze 6010 should be set at on the controller. I have a 125 gal and i have only 3 sps and one candi cane and a hammer, not much but i want to make sure that I am setting all the stuff right and i thought since you were the expert you could help me out with that....Please dont say well its diffrent for every tank and all that kind of jargen I just want what you think a good jumping off point would be then i can tweek it from there... Please let me know because i am not going to set it up intill i here from you ok thanks....
I also have two clowns one a tru perc and one a false and they live in a sea ennenamie, i also have a sail fin tang and 6 anthius lier tails, i have a dragon gobie and a neon gobie and a bandded gobie and a pistol shrimp, i hope all theis help in deciding what i should start it out at....:D
I would set a pulse from 100% to 50% at 3 second intervals. The Stream 6000 at most will cover about 5ft so place the SPS nearest the pump and the LPS further away. Eventually you may want to add a second one or add a Seaswirl or some other flow generation.