what should my tanks calcium be?


New member
i bought a sun coral the other day and after many different options given to me by you all, the polyps are still not showing up and mow its looking kinda sucked up. what should my calcium and all that stuff i need or dont need to be?
calcium may not be your problem, but a range of 400~500 seems to be common among reefers on this forum. I have a fairly new sun coral as well, and it does not extend polyps very much.

I trick it into feeding by blowing a mixture of cyclop-eeze and oyster eggs over the polyps... just use a pipette or baster, and turn your pumps off first.... they probably won't eat the mix... but they'll get a good taste...

8-15 minutes later, the polyps will probably open wide up looking for some more substantial food.... then, go after it with mysis or silversides...

Works for me... on quite a few of my corals, actually... using this technique allows me to feed them when *I* want to feed them... not when they ask for it. Good luck! ...and make sure you have it in the shade... mine seems to retract under bright lights...