What stock for a 75?


New member
Ok, have the live rock and I am looking to stock my 75 up now. Maybe when I switch tanks I might try sps corals, but not right now so this is not a issue. Also, I will be getting all these fish small so size will not be a issue because once the fish get to big for the 75 I will then switch to a 180.

So, I have one scapos tang.

What I want to add is;

cow fish
koran Angelfish
whitecheek or achilles tang
Imperator Angelfish

Should I stop there? Also, should I get cleaner shrimp for the tank or will they be a issue with the fish. I need to put together a clean up crew and unsure what I want to do.
achilles tangs are EXTREMELY hard to keep. i wanted one for my 80g, but i from all the experts i talked to they said it is a very hard fish to keep. also in a 75, it wont do well, they require a ton of current, and tons of hiding spots, and no stress elements at all. large angels are extremely hard to keep in small tanks also, i have an emperor i bought about two weeks ago, who is getting over ick, he never got a bad case, so i can say im very lucky, he maybe got 8-10 spots. i had to medicate my tank with ick attack and feed with garlic every day.garlic will be fed everytime now though. all i have to say, is good luck with your setup. i really would not do it.
No way on the achilles or the mixing of a koran and an Emp. Just not fair to either of them being so closely related. They will stress each other way out trying to maintain dominance and it will probably not stop even in a 180. I have an Emp and they are domineering.
I would switch to the 180 before you got any of those fish for your 75. That would be the smart thing to do.
Before you determine stocking you need to state how your tank is going to be setup. Are you going to have a lot of rock, which will cut down on space in the tank, or a little rock which will leave more space. If your going with a Fish only type tank then you really don't need a cleaning crew in the tank.

In the 75gal tank I would go with either the Emperor or the Koran but not both. When you up grade to the 180gal tank then you could put both in the tank just get them different sizes and they should be fine. A pecking order will develop where the Emperor is mostly going to be in charge. As for tangs for the 75gal tank I would look at some of the smaller ones like the Koles, Purple and a small Hippo. They will be alright for some time in the 75gal tank with the Hippo growing the fasting and depending on the size you get it at you'll need to upgrade to the 180gal tank in time.

Very important make sure you quaratine all your fish before you plae them into your tank.
Marrone is a 75 gal really big enough for a 75 gal. If so I am putting it back on my list. I thought it needed a 100 + min.
It really depends on the size of the angel that you get in the beginning. If you get a very small one a 75gal tank will be fine for a while but your going to need to upgrade it. A lot also depends on the setup and the amount of LR you have in the tank as that does take away space and what other fish you plan on having in the tank.

Some of these angels do get very large and really should be keep in atleast a 6' tank. There are some smaller angels, like the Majestic, Blue face and the Passer which will do well in a 75gal tank for some time but will also need a large tank down the line, just gives you more time. Don't forget the Pygmy angels as most will do very well in a 75gal tank.
Thanks . I was leaning towards a slightly aggressive tank because I made the assumption that they might be more hardier than the peacfull types. I currently have 60 gal reef and I am now starting a 92 gallon corner.


If you want a tang.. the blue (regal) tang are pretty easy to keep..and 75gal is good size..or yellow tang..or both... clown fish.. .. you can start with small fish... but plan to get bigger tank as they grow.