What Tang would work with these guys?


New member
Just upgraded to a 215 FOWLR. I have 2 Puffers, 1 Picasso Trigger, 1 Lunare Wrase, 1 Volitan Lion, & 1 Emperor Angel. What type of Tang would work with those guys? Everyone is quick to point out that the Trigger would pick on a Tang, but mine is very docile. He doesn't even pick at my lion which everyone says is "guaranteed" to happen.

I have a reason I want a tang also. My fish only eat big hunks of food. That then leaves little scraps of food floating around in the water which nobody eats. I need a fish that will eat those little pieces. The wrasse picks up some and I have a little damsel that eats some, but they dont' get all of it. I think a Tang would do a good job picking up the leftovers.

What are your recommendations? Was thinking Sohal, Red Sea Sailfin?
Tangs are herbivores why would they eat the scraps of meaty food you are feeding the other fish? They may eat some of it but I doubt they would do much. Mine doesn't touch anything but algae.
Just noticed you have 3 tangs in your reef? Do your's eat meaty food.

If your worried about the tang getting picked on, the sohal would more than hold it's own with the trigger. If anything I'd be afraid for the other fish.

I've never seen anything about triggers having a tendency to beat up on tangs. If so don't know how well the Sailfin would stand up to the trigger.
You could try the more aggressive Tangs such as the Sohol, Clown, Purple...but then your other fish might be the ones picked on;)
I had a sailfin with my picasso. The sailfin was the queen of the tank. No problems and a beautiful fish. She also ate everything including beefheart. :)
I'd probably add a big salifin or a purple. Well fed triggers, IMO, tend to be less aggressive. Give that guy a big meal before you add the tang. Personally, I'd be more concerned with the tang/angel interaction.

BTW, my tangs eats tons of meaty food (although I'm not sure this is such a good thing) - I would prefer that she stick to her Nori and Forumla 2, although in nature, tangs most likely will get some meat from critters that happen to crawling on plants that the tangs are grazing on.
I really want to get a nice big Red Sea Sailfin. I think they are just AWESOME! And yes I know tangs are primarliy herbivore, but they do eat meaty stuff too! I like Sohal, but have read they can get very nasty.
Yes, Sohols do get mean..but you have a rough crowd. A purple would probably be best. I have read mixed opinions on the Sailfin, some say their peaceful, others say aggressive. If you do the Sailfin, just get a decent size one

I am thinking of one myself, I have a 2 1/2 inch Hippo, a 3-4 inch White faced Tang and the one I worry about is my Raccoon Butterfly..I don't want anyone bullying her.:mad:
Yes a nice size sailfin would be awesome. I had a king angel in the tank with her too. No problems.

Kim, I just got a raccon on Saturday. About 4 inches. He has yet to eat. I've tried mysis, plankton, formula one, bloodworms and brine. Even tried beefheart soaked in garlic. No go. Beautiful fish, I hope this is just temporary.

Puffer, Sorry for the hijack. :D
What about a Red Sea Sailfin AND a Sohal Tang if I added them at the same time? The guy at the LFS said they would be fine if added together.

I don't want to push it, but this would be my ONLY chance to get both if I'm able to....
I wouldn't try mixing the two.

I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know tangs are herbivores, it just sounded like you were looking for a scavenger to clean up the mess left by the other fish and I don't think tangs would perform that duty very well.
I have a 10-12" Sohal with several Triggers, Lrg. Angelfish, Wrasse, Puffer and Eels and he is pretty much the king or queen of the tank. I have had him for over a year and he is duing great, hasn't been too nasty yet, but will keep everyone in their place. He eats everything from squid, shrimp, krill, to Formula 1 & 2 pellets and seaweed.
Beautiful fish, with a great personality.
I have a 6 in Sohal in my 300Gallon and he is great never fits with anyone except the dumb damsel. My friend also has one in his 210. He also has a salfin, 2 yellow tangs, unicorn and few other and the sohal does mess with any of them. He is 10in and is the biggest fish in the tang besides the unicorn. IMO they aren't as mean as people make them out to be.
I had a Sohal in my 240 reef for about 5 months.....he never bothered anyone. Right now I have 2 Purples, a Kole, and a Regal in the 240 and they all get along fine, been together for about 6 months. I've never found the Purples to be as mean as some say.

My purples and Regal will both eat meat, the Kole won't touch it. If you are looking for a good meat-eating scavenger fish, you might try a goatfish. They have an interesting behavior, are not aggressive, and can hold their own. Just a thought.