What the heck is this?


New member
Found this on a green slimer which wasn't doing well.
Dipped in Bayer and several of these little spider looking things came off dead .
They don't look like usual Acro eating spiders .

Thanks for your help in advance guys
They look different than the known acro eating spiders, what kind of damage was on the slimer? They kind of resemble small feather dusters. Do you buy wild or mariculture acros or just crabs from other reefers? There are so many pests that we are not aware of out there it makes me wonder what we will see next.
The slimer had areas of missing tissue .
I had treated for aefw months ago and everything else has recovered except this coral so I dipped it and these little guys cAme off .
I've had the coral for years but prior to a year ago had brought in frags from other Reefers and also mariculture pieces .
No new corals in a year
I agree it does look like a large pod of some sort...I wonder if its parasitic or if its just cleaning up the dead areas of the slimmer from the prior AEFW infestation.

Sure was killed quick with bayer and I had read that the true acro spiders are hard to kill with bayer...all very weird and I'm not really sure what to do with the situation...just sit tight or nuke the tank or dip and QT all sps again....????