What to do with this now?


New member
Have had this colony for a few months now and they are now outgrowing the plug they came on. If I put some plugs next to this one will the polyps spread and and grow onto the surrounding pugs? Should I frag it instead?
Have had this colony for a few months now and they are now outgrowing the plug they came on. If I put some plugs next to this one will the polyps spread and and grow onto the surrounding pugs? Should I frag it instead?

If you give it a surface to grow on it will. If you don't they won't stop growing. It'll start growing to your egg crate
Or a tile works good. Dont frag them! They look great, anyways you lrobly wont get much for frags. I personally think growing zoas out from frags is more rewarding than anything. They look great by the way.