What to feed my SPS?


New member
So I just started with two SPS so far.. Green slimmer and a Monti cap. But not sure what to feed? What do you suggest?
Good lights, Good flow, and fish poop. I also started adding some amino acids (TLF Acropower) and i like the results of that.
You don't need to feed anything special. Just good clean water and lots of light and flow. Only time to implement feeding is if you start bordering on water that is too clean and pale corals. You will know if you need to feed.

I personally have been experimenting with Zeovit supplements and reef roids, but my nutrients run very low from carbon dosing. So I export more just so I can dump more crap in the water. Kinda sounds back asswards, but that's the way I roll, LOL!
I have the Ledzeal Malibu s200 leds. So far so good. As far as my water parameters they are are:
Calcium 420
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Ammonia 0
Specific Gravity 1.023
Alkalinity 12dkh
Phosphate very low
PH 8.2
Temp 80.1
Feed it light :) Most energy to coral comes from photosynthesis. Only a small portion comes from digesting in SPS.