What to feed Zoas?


New member
I have a great colony of about 100 zoas in my 24 g nano. I have a 150 watt metal halide that I keep on 9 hours a day. I have marine snow that I add a few times a week. What else should I feed my zoas? Thanks
Some will show an eating response while others seem to lack one. Do you have any fish in your system? Many believe as well as myself that a tad of nitrates (dirtier) help overall with them and other softies. What kind of growth and health do you see in your current setup? Share with is some info on parameters of your tank.
I have a black and white clown, and I will be adding a six line and goby in the next few days. I also have a banded coral. All of my parameters are within normal, and I have a Tunze nano skimmer that works well. My fan keeps the temperature around 78 degrees with the MH on. I thought the marine snow would add enough, but I may add some phytoplankton. What do you think?
I personally don't like Marine snow for anything

For feeding zoas I just use fish poo and add anything for them
I would ditch the Marine Snow. Zoanthid thrive on zooplankton, fish poop, some trates and photosythesis. If you can, get a hold of some Coral Frenzy, this stuff is the best. I even use it in my protien shakes :bounce1:, ok, I'm kidding, but it's the best.


Lighting and flow are just as important though along with good parameters, good make up water source yadda yadda yadda. Good luck.

Mucho Reef
I would ditch the Marine Snow. Zoanthid thrive on zooplankton, fish poop, some trates and photosythesis. If you can, get a hold of some Coral Frenzy, this stuff is the best. I even use it in my protien shakes :bounce1:, ok, I'm kidding, but it's the best.


Lighting and flow are just as important though along with good parameters, good make up water source yadda yadda yadda. Good luck.

Mucho Reef

CORRECTION, just read over my post and realized I forgot to add that they also feed on DOM, ( dissolved organic matter)
I forgot all about coral frenzy... Should have posted that myself, as i feed it regularly! :thumbsup: