What To Put In Tank?

johnny deluxe

New member
Hello there all

I have now switched over to a 150 gallon, I have a Blue, Sailfin and purple tang along with a foxface and a tomato clown all 2-3 inches....Any suggestions on another real color full fish that would do well with these guys?

Flames are just like all other dwarf angels. As long as your tank is mature enough, it'll fit right in (or with their color, stick out like a sore thumb!). And with three tangs, yours should do fine.

You could also look into the different types of anthias if your tank is big enough, or wrasses. They tend to have a lot of color and should be fine with your other fish. If you decide on a wrasse, though, I'd recommend going for the reef-safe variety, as they're generally more docile.
Flame Angels use to be real hardy back in the day, but for some reason they die for no reason, I wouldn't buy a flame angel from the LFS as soon as it gets in. Have the LFS hold the Flame Angel for you for a week or two just make sure it's eating and well adjusted. Oh and a well establish tank will definitely be a plus.