what type of filter?

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
what type of filter do i need for this? i just found the RO/DI unit i have online. do i have to buy there filters or will anyones filter work?


i have model number RD-106. Its the second one.

If i can use anyones filters where is a good place to order from? iv heard filterguys is good. anywhere else?
also. what is better, a 1 micron filter or a 5 micron filter? does one last longer than the other and which one removes more stuff..
hmm so the filter guys price comes out to $91.00 while the manufactures comes out to $109.00. i guess im going with the filter guys.. only question left is wiether i should go with the 5 micron filters that it came with or get the 1 micron filters.. im still not sure on the difference but they are the same price either way...
ok so im gonna see if i can cancel my order with filterguys.. there total price with shipping is $106. waterclub's is $63.37 with shipping.... big difference! Thank you venom00viper!